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Month: May 2023

Take Back Control Of Your Life

Take Back Control Of Your Life

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life and wondered how you got here? This question can pop up in your mind as you wake up to start your day. It is a question that causes you to pause and reflect on your life. The alarm clock goes off, and you feel a sense of dread as you have to prepare for your work day. You have to take care of many things—the to-do list of chores around the house, meetings…

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Change your life in 7 steps

Change your life in 7 steps

Growing up, I recall watching a Calgon Bath commercial with a famous and memorable slogan, “Calgon, take me away!”  This slogan became a catchphrase, a household phenom that reminded us how we sometimes want to leave life’s stress, worries, and frustrations behind to live a more peaceful and happy life. Picture in your mind what life would be like if you could live your life in a more fun, meaningful way every day. You would wake up happy, more relaxed,…

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How to Live in the Here and Now

How to Live in the Here and Now

Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. In today’s article, we will discuss how to live in the here and now. Not so long ago, possibly going back about 30-35 years, people lived at a much slower pace of life. But, then, this was a time of families sitting on porches, waving and speaking to neighbors as they passed. There was a tendency to know your neighbors by name, and you felt part of a more extensive…

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How We Become What We Think About

How We Become What We Think About

Have you ever wondered why some people achieve success while others do not? You may wonder what they do differently to make them successful.  What is the secret blueprint that sets them apart from everyone else? If this resonates with you, in this article, we will discuss how we become what we think about to succeed in life. I aim to present ideas that can transform your mind and help you start living a more successful and fulfilling life. The…

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