How To Be More Optimistic About Your Life

How To Be More Optimistic About Your Life

Want to learn how to be more optimistic about your life? Today, you will learn techniques to help you develop an optimistic mindset and live a healthier lifestyle with less stress. Ready to begin. Let’s get started! Here is an outline of what we will review: What does Optimism mean? Step 1: Focus on your strengths Step 2: Surround yourself with encouraging people Step 3: Listen to inspirational music Step 4: Read motivational quotes Step 5: Journal your experiences What…

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Making The Most Of Every Opportunity

Making The Most Of Every Opportunity

Have you ever had the experience of walking outside on a windy day only to have a piece of paper you were loosely holding onto fly away? You chase after the paper because it is something important to you. It could be a homework assignment or part of a project you will be turning in at work. Deseparately you chase down the paper as it continues to be moved by the wind, escaping your grip. However, with grit and determination,…

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5 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness

5 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness

At the core of our life skills is the question, who am I? When you are born into this world, you have a clean slate and begin becoming your unique self. Your mind is being developed and shaped daily. You establish the foundation of who you are based on those closest to you, such as family. However, as you age, life changes as you expand beyond your immediate family.   You develop new friends and relationships, attend school, start a career,…

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7 Ways To Build Resilience

7 Ways To Build Resilience

Growing up, you may recall watching episodes of your favorite TV series or soap opera that kept you tuned in weekly to stay up to date on what was happening in the lives of your favorite characters. These characters captured our attention, kept us in suspense, and allowed us to look at other people’s lives and how they handled difficult situations they faced. Watching them overcome their challenges made us happy, and it saddened us when things did not work…

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How To Start A New Chapter in Life

How To Start A New Chapter in Life

As a child, I was always mesmerized seeing butterflies flying through the air. Sometimes they would land on a plant or object long enough for me to gaze upon the beauty of its different colors, shapes, and symmetrical patterns. I often observed that each butterfly was unique in its particular way. Just like butterflies, we are all unique. And like butterflies, we evolve through time and experiences that lead us through a change process. This process involves moving from one…

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7 Healthy Ways to Reduce Stress

7 Healthy Ways to Reduce Stress

Stress affects us in many areas of our lives.   At home, school, work, you name it, we all will encounter some form of stress. The car breaks down, you have a deadline to meet on your job, or you experience a life-impacting event that catches you off guard. Have you ever felt overloaded by life and stressed out? Although we will experience unexpected events from time to time that causes stress, it is wise to take time to manage them…

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How to Believe in Yourself to Achieve Your Goals

How to Believe in Yourself to Achieve Your Goals

I like watching movies with happy endings. Especially when the person has suffered setbacks and had to face unusual challenges to overcome them. The feeling of reaching and achieving a goal inspires hope in all of us for a better day. Like a movie, our lives are often filled with uncertainty and challenges that can cause us to lose track of our goals. However, within each of us is the ability to accomplish our goals when we set our minds…

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How to Feel More Motivated

How to Feel More Motivated

Many people experienced changes in their daily habits or routines during the COVID pandemic. There was decreased public activities, more time at home, and a tendency to do fewer things. These changes in behavior also influence our motivation. Have you ever felt less motivated to accomplish things and would like to change that? This article will look at motivation and discuss a few guidelines on how to feel more motivated and live a more productive life. What is motivation? Motivation…

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How to Set Your Mind for Success

How to Set Your Mind for Success

Many of us have been there, living a life of almost. Almost landing that dream job or promotion, only to be passed over. You are almost winning a contest only to fall short of reaching first place. Almost going through that lifelong dream you have had of improving your life, only to be set back by unexpected circumstances. Have you ever felt that way, falling short of a goal or not accomplishing what you started to do? If this sounds…

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Why Self-Reflection is Important

Why Self-Reflection is Important

A famous quote by Albert Einstein says that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This captures a sentiment about life. Sometimes, we find ourselves going in circles, returning to the same place we started, repeating an experience, or not learning from it. This can apply to life experiences, relationships, and even our careers. Have you ever felt as if you were repeating the same patterns or situations in your life and could not…

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