What is your self-worth?

What is your self-worth?

Over the past few years, there have been discussions about the subject of self-worth as it pertains to our personal growth. As a result, many individuals have taken an inventory of their lives to understand their life purpose better and find meaning in what matters most.

These discussions have resonated through what is known as the great resignation or reshuffle, where people have quit their jobs to find better opportunities that align with their personal goals. It has also resonated with an awakening of finding a work-life balance in the workplace, where we see individuals looking for better treatment and respect from their employers.

In this article, I will discuss self-worth and review four keys to enhancing your growth at work and in your personal life.

What is Self Worth?

Self-worth is defined as our value as human beings.

It has been said that you should know your value. You can buy it at a discount if you do not know your worth.

When a person feels that they do not have any value to offer, it can have a long-term effect on their physical and psychological well-being. It is our self-esteem in how we feel treated by others and how we view ourselves in the workplace or at home. If we do not manage our self-worth correctly, over time, it can affect our self-confidence and the value we see in ourselves.

To improve your self-worth, let’s review four keys that can be used to build healthy habits and promote personal growth. They include:

  • loving yourself
  • letting go of your past failures
  • Being grateful
  • Maximizing your potential

Love yourself

This goes without saying, and we should love ourselves. However, it is hard to love others without first loving ourselves.

I used to think that loving yourself was selfish because it makes you feel you are putting your needs ahead of others. However, I have discovered that if we do not love ourselves first, we ultimately hide our value behind the needs of others.

We cannot be everything to everybody. When we try to please others by doing more than we can handle, we sacrifice our mental well-being. Therefore, we must love ourselves enough to set boundaries to care for ourselves and not be taken for granted.

Develop habits that promote your well-being and establish healthy boundaries. Here are a few examples:

  • do not overcommit yourself
  • schedule time for the things that are important to you
  • learn to say “no” to things that are beyond your ability to handle
  • establish limits on what you can or will do
  • exercise or spend time outdoors or in nature to recharge
  • read books that motivate or inspire you
  • pursue hobbies that interest and challenge you
  • review positive quotes or messages to encourage you

The important thing is that you take time to love yourself in such a way that you are empowered to do something that makes you feel happy and energized.

Let go of your past failures

I remember being at an airport and watching individuals carrying luggage around. Those with much baggage moved more slowly because they were weighted down with more things to handle. It resulted in them struggling to get from one place to another.

In contrast, other individuals were carrying only one bag. As a result, they moved swiftly and seemed more relaxed as they moved from one designation to another.

This analogy is also valid in life. From childhood to adulthood, we collect a lot of emotional baggage. These include our disappointments, failures, and struggles in life. While these cannot be completely ignored or forgotten, carrying excess emotional baggage from our past can affect our mental and physical well-being.

To manage emotional baggage, seek help and support from others who can encourage you, learn to forgive yourself and others, and not let your past dictate your future.

Be grateful

Have an attitude of gratitude. Learning to appreciate the small things can help keep us humble and grounded.

I once heard a story about a man complaining about the car he was driving. Then, finally, he said to himself, if only I had a better car that was newer and nicer, I would be happy.

Driving along the road, he drove past a person riding a bicycle. The person on the bike said to himself; I would be so happy if I had that car to drive instead of riding this bike.

As the man on the bicycle was peddling along the road, he saw a man walking. The man walking said to himself, wow, if only I had that bicycle to ride, it would give me transportation so I would not have to walk around all day. This would make me happy.

The story’s moral is that someone would be happy to trade places with us in whatever position or place we are in life. It is good to count your blessings and show appreciation for what you do have instead of what you don’t have.

Maximize your potential

As a teenager, I remember going into a recruiter’s office to inquire about joining the military. I was young with very little experience and was looking for an opportunity to better my life. The recruiter said to me that everyone has some potential. However, realizing that potential requires personal sacrifice, training, development, and discipline.

Likewise, you may have untapped potential that has never been activated. The challenge to us all is to start our potential by leaving our comfort zone to do those things that give us joy and fulfillment. This can be accomplished by pursuing your passion, learning new skills, and following your dreams.

Whatever the case, there is a creative spirit within each of us to do something that inspires us and gives us meaning, where we are appreciated and rewarded for our true value.

You make a difference

In summary, we all have value, and each makes a difference. However, you cannot live your life trying to be everything to everybody. While there is nothing wrong with helping others, it is important not to overextend yourself or try to live up to the expectations others have of you.

You realize your true value by establishing boundaries to take care of yourself. This consists of loving yourself, letting go of your past failures, being grateful for what you have, and striving to develop your talents and grow.

Remember, you are unique, you have a purpose, and you have value. The next step is to practice these steps daily and maximize your self-worth. Please feel free to share your comments or feedback on ways that you have grown as a person.

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